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Theory of Programming
Data Structures and Algorithms
Graph Theory
Graph Theory Basics
Theory and Implementation in C
Adjacency List Implementation in C++ STL
Adjacency List with String vertices using C++ STL
Adjacency List in C#
Breadth First Search (BFS) Algorithm
Theory and Implementation in C
BFS Algorithm using C++ STL
Algorithm using Queue
Snakes and Ladders Game Code
Depth First Search Algorithm
Bellman Ford Algorithm
Theory and Implementation in basic C++
Algorithm Implementation in C++ STL
Prim’s Algorithm
Theory and Implementation in basic C++
Algorithm Implementation in C++ STL
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Tree Data Structures
Binary Indexed Tree (or) Fenwick Tree
Trie Tree
Trie Tree Implementation and Theory
Trie Tree using C++ Class
Trie Tree Practise – SPOJ – PHONELST
Trie Tree Practise – SPOJ – DICT
Compressed Trie Tree
N-ary tree or K-way tree data structure
Segment Trees
Binary Heaps
Binary Heaps and Heapsort Algorithm
Dynamic Programming
Introduction and Fibonacci Numbers
Kadane’s Algorithm
Edit Distance
Searching Algorithms
Binary Search Algorithm
Jump Search Algorithm
Sorting Algorithms
Quick Sort Algorithm
Merge Sort Algorithm
Modular Arithmetic Properties
MiniMax Algorithm
Minimax algorithm with Alpha-Beta Pruning
Iterative Deepening Depth First Search
Bidirectional Search
Language Basics
An Introduction
Data Types, Input and Operators
If Else, Switch and Loops
Strings, StringBuffer and StringBuilder
Arrays in Java
Enum and Methods in Java
Introduction to OOP
Java Tutorials – Classes and Objects
Encapsulation in Java
Constructor and Overloading Methods
Interview Corner
Why should I learn C++?
C++ Programming Style and Structure
Variables, Initialization and Assignment
Writing Professional Code in C++
Vamsi Sangam
My Life in a Nutshell
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Punit Sharma
About Me
Spiral Print
October 4, 2015
October 4, 2015
Vamsi Sangam
Spiral Print
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